Monday 31 December 2007

In a ruffle

Well i 've enjoyed today, attempted 3 challenges which were set on SCS over the last 3 days. This one is to CASE a featured stamper which was dlounds. The stamps are Stampendous 'ruffled bloom and butterfly'. I'm just about to upload them to the web. So that's been the highlight of my new years eve day and probably the night as well.
OOOh the thought of getting ready to go out on the town or upload my cards waht a hard decision lol. No honestly i'm really not that bothered about going out, most of the pubs in town are crammed full, you need tickets to get in (a pub at £10 per head -i don't think so)the you hope and pray you get out in one piece and then you're more than likley to end up wearing most of your drink because there's no where to sit and your sandwiched between the 'on the spot dancers' !! No i'm not a party pooper but phew i'll pass on that one.
So it's a glass of wine, Indian take away, whatever's on the box, hubby by my side, what more can a girl want !!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all....

Friday 28 December 2007

Is spring in the air yet?

No I don't suppose it is yet but I sure am fed up with this wet, dark horrible weather. We haven't even had a flake of snow to make things look fresher, lighter or more christmassy. I bet a lot of you think it's best left for xmas cards, as we brits don't always seem ready for it becuase it usually brings chaos lol.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the festivities, seems it takes so much time and effort to prepare and it's all over in a flash... oh but i'ts all worth it.

Today I decided to clear my craft room, put away all the christmas stamps, paper, ribbons etc etc, it won't seem too long before they are back out again. So it's on with birthday, Valentines, wedding, birth and anything else cards now and oh I might try entering a few comps..... well I live in hope lol.

Friday 21 December 2007

merry merry xmas

Well I haven't posted much recently, when I started my blog I had hoped I would be able to post on it frequently but although it is enjoyable it so time consuming, (hope you all agree!!) Anyway having this shocking! virus for the past few days has really set me back with many things.
I don't think I will be posting much over the next few days or so either, as apart from geting prepared for xmas I am on duty xmas eve and xmas day so my festivities, pressies, wine, wine , wine o sorry must mention food as well, won't begin till boxing day.

I've not done too bad though I have finshed my shift tonight and Iv'e been to Morrisons and done all my shopping, there was very little bodily traffic around the store - think everyone's out on the razzle! or they are more prepared than me lol !

I will enjoy my late festivities with my hubby (he's doing all the prep and cooking- how fab is that!) also my 2 adorable boys and my beautiful daughter and her partner ooooh I can't wait, ooooh I've just thought who will be drawing the short straw to do the washing up??? eeeeek! O well it will be great.

I just want to wish each and every one of you who may look in on this blog

'A very merry xmas and a wonderful new year'.

Sunday 16 December 2007

On the mend

O my life what have i had over the last 4 days? In the early hours of friday morning i thought it was 'death at the door virus' lol, cus boy if that was a cold i'm a monkey's uncle!

I should have been on duty this weekend but i've been velcroed to my bed with more medicines than 'Boots!... Well now i'm sitting upright i thought i'd share my woes.
It's certainly set me back with card orders, wrapping pressies, shopping, cleaning... oh the list goes on.

O well hope to get into the swing later or tommorrow.

Well folks be careful out there....................... don't get bugged !!!!

Thursday 13 December 2007

Monochrome Petals

This is my first card with my SU sets. The flower is made up of ' pick a petal'. It's a big card 19x19cm, the flower is popped out with silicone glue on top of 2 circles cut with nestabilities. Flourish swirls on the black strip with co-ordinating ribbons. On the lower half i used a stamp from the pretty posies set and the word 'happy' is from the polka dots and paisley set. I made the centre into a button type embellishment and threaded silver cord through, tied in a knot but don't think it's very visible.

In the park

I thought i'd go completely different, going away from christmassy colours.
Pink and brown is a nice change, thought the sketch worked well too. I was asked to make this card in 19x19cm it looked lovely, my friend had 2 of them done. The snowflakes are stamped with Hero Arts and you guessed glitter glued! The stamp is Stampendous and i've popped the snowmen out with silicone glue and nestabilities used again for ovals.

Frosty Trees

Such an easy sketch to mass produce for workmates etc in varoius colours and stamped images. Cuttlebug the edge of card, chalk a little green on side, stamp and glitter glue the trees, mat and layer, add a strip of DP, ribbon and embellishment and there Done..

snow fun

Snow Fun

This cute stamp is from Stampendous, i've used it a few times, i wasn't sure what to do with it when it first arrived but i'ts worked out well.

The cards really sparkly, don't know how i managed to capture it because i can never do it to show the glitter glue i love so much.

O well it turned out ok.

Christmas Miracle

Well after dozing on the settee today with a rug, feeling yuk I think iv'e found my second wind this last couple of hours.
Thanks Jen for your message and adding me to your blog xx
I've uploaded some cards to SCS and now I'm playing catch up on my blog. Don't seem to be able to settle to card making today.

This is a different take on the 3 deers.
This sketch is so easy and versatile, the top half is stamped with Hero Arts snowflakes, the bottom half is DP from DCWV luxury stack. I am making the most of my nestabilities they are really useful. TFL

Bugged up!!

Oh this is just typical, just finished assembling all my new SU stamps, got my days off, got loads of ideas for cards and i feel like ... Yuk!! Got the dreaded cold symptoms, shivery, hot, skin feels like its peeling off, eyes are sore, you know how it feels.
So i'm getting on the settee with a rug and dozing, hopefully my inspirations will be stronger than the bug and i can set about some cardin' later.

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Pink Skater

I've used the skater again but on a different sketch. the circles are cut out with Cricut, the background has been cuttlebugged. I used glitter glue but not able to make it visible on camera, oh well there's plenty on him lol.
Fun Flock (stampendous) used on the belly its nice and easy to use and definately fluffy to touch!
The card is simple in style and I'm thinking of mass reproduction for work colleagues, hmm.
Well I've just had a lesson on photoshop and now can upload my creations myself so that's it now, no stopping me TFL.

Thursday 29 November 2007

Rainy day

Well this blogging thing's a new toy for me, can't wait to start uploading more of my cards, also good way to communicate with you cardy/crafty folks. Typical, I'm off duty today and the weathers yuk here in staffordshire, dull, raining but quite mild in temp (good germ breeding weather!). Think it's best I stay in, got 5 cards to make today for a cousin of my best mate Ange, she's chosen 5 from my crissy card range. Tonight me and Ange are off up to Ikea, my husband dreads what I'll come back with! I'm hoping to get 4 or 5 of those 'lazy susans'. Ive got one already they're great for wooden stamps, an easy storage/selection gadget. If I get them I'll show you what I mean, I think they're a great idea but then that's me. LOL
I'm just going to reply to Jen (stamping moments) down there in Dorset via e-mail, she's got my order prepared for SU stamps, so I'll be waiting for the postie most of next week! O such excitement!

Deer-cember 25th

This is my last card to upload for tonight, think it's bed time now. I've done an 11 hour nurse shift today and sat with one of my boys (he's a graphic designer!) he's assisted me heaps tonight with the uploading and sorting out my logos, O bless.
The stamp is from 'great impressions' and again glitter glue used to accent their noses, antlers and bells around their necks, (love this stuff, can you tell?) Edge of card has been cuttlebugged and the deer in the centre is 3D. Oh they are so sweet!

winter wishes

Here we go Rachel the first one is for you, just showing off what I did with one of your great stamps.

The stamp is actually a daisy but I think looks good as a poinsettia.
Not sure if you can make it out but red glitter glue highlights the scrolls on the background and the centre of the flower. TFL
( for anyone looking, the stamp is from onefourzero).

Monday 26 November 2007

just startin' out

Hello there, well I give myself a pat on the back, I made this blog with no help from hubby or kids, can't believe it, neither will they LOL! (well it has taken me almost 2 hours to get to this stage). Now I have to work out how to get piccies on here, so watch this space, well sometime in the future anyway LOL!